Sunday, November 11, 2007

You Shook Me All Night Long

I'm quite excited about todays post..........which you have to be patient for till I actually write it. Whilst I wouldn't exactly hold your breath for it, as its a good few hours away due to work / extreme tiredness / lack of wine in the house etc, I assure you it will be hitting the headlines soon.

Even more exciting it's about how on Friday night at the local RSL (not my local, but it was someones local and I just can't say RSL without saying local in front of it... in fact took me all my restraint to not call it the local rissole.........just wasn't sure if any non aussie readers would understand what a local rissole actually was)

Anyway, I somehow managed to attract the attention (sitting quitely with a bottle of red will do that obviously) of a not so sprightly (and not so sober) gent who came to sit next me, attempted to have a small convo and then asked me to dance. I politely (ish) declined and he went on his (very merry) way (actually he moved straight over to another women, thus cementing the believe I have that men never change nor actually grow up)............okay this was all pretty standard local rissole stuff till the next bit happened............

His 'little lady' (her terms not mine, I would only use this terminology if I was in, say, a John Wayne movie) came over to abuse me for trying to steal her man AND ACTUALLY SHOOK ME! (messed my hair and all) She also called me a slut too, which had she not been a sixty odd year old five foot nothing grey haired drunk I may have taken offence to.

So stay tuned for You Shook Me All Night Long (the real post) where I will also tell you about my tarot card reading yesterday. I remember not a lot (wow aren't those things vague!) other than something about (I think) a nine inch rod card and a card called a something of testicles. Either way, I think it sounded a very promising reading and that maybe my luck was about to change in that department.

1 comment:

Miss A said...

oh my gosh. Someone shook you? did you scream? I would have screamed.