Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Just Call Me Fabulous

In another flashbulb moment recently (or again, another wine fuelled brainwave) I decided from now on my nephews and nieces should address my by Aunty Fabulous.

I’m not quite sure yet if this is
a) Due to me being legitimately fabulous…..or
b) Those under ten not actually being capable of distinguishing between sheer fabulousness and sheer insanity (PS I have mentioned prior to this point that fabulousness is a real word and I refuse to hear you argue otherwise).

I shall let you know how I go on my endeavor in due course and report back in on the subject.

I’m pretty sure the younger of the two will be convincingly won over, but my older niece (who no doubt inherited by brains and canny perception) could be harder to coax into. Then again, the younger one also told someone quite seriously his name was “Cowboy” not that long ago, so it shouldn’t be too hard a task at all to get him to henceforth refer to me as the said Aunty Fabulous.

I’m not sure if I have mentioned my nieces and nephews before, but I should mention whilst I’m a proud aunt, I’m also a pretty crap one (any relatives reading will be no doubt nodding knowingly at this point).

It’s in fact only within the last few months I’ve managed to mind them (the kids not the relatives) for an entire weekend (or more to the point, anyone has let me loose with children for more than a few hours at a time). I surprised myself by not only enjoying it, but them surviving the entire 38 or so hours whilst apparently having a good time too. We both got to indulge in our love of pizza and bad movies, so it was really a win win situation. (for the record, I preferred the first Willy Wonka to the second, the kids meanwhile had no idea there was indeed a first and that Willy Wonka had the original naming rights instead of Charlie). My niece also had no idea who Johnny Depp and 21 Jump Street was though, proof that yesterdays heartthrobs are just strange old men to anyone younger than yourself. (I’ll save what I thought of the oompa loomplas this time around for another evening, but I did not like their particular brand of orange)

Now just in case my nephew and nieces sneak a peak at this blog years from now and Auny Fabulous is just some strange old woman who wears bed jackets and lives in a home for special old ladies……….I’m giving them a big shout out and kisses. Mwah Mwah.

PS I forgot in my serious blog below to add to the ‘strange things you should know about me’ point of interest for the day. Today’s is: I actually like blue and green. Together. (Even though according to the poem blue and green should never been seen) I don’t however like red and yellow together, despite my favourite man in all the world, Mr Ronald McDonald, frequently seen sporting them.

By the way, aren’t you the lucky bugger scoring two posts in one day?

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