Monday, November 12, 2007

All Shook Up

Yeah I know I know. I promised you a witty amusing post and I'm letting the team down here. The All Shook Up blog entry is a coming........I promise (so is Christmas, but it may be here sooner than the post entry the way we are going)

Just joshing folks...........but please allow me today to be more than a little grumpy and tired. Im a week or two into a severe bout of insomnia (feel free to post / comment / email me all remedies) and can't seem to think straight. (can't even think crooked come to think about it..........which I shouldn't be, as Im incapable of it right now. The thinking part I mean)

See? I'm making no sense I am?

I think the three sleeping tablets it took last night for me to even toss fitfully for a few fretful hours, and the three I've been taking every night for the last few evenings, choose only to kick in when I'm trying (or pretending) to work.

Please note before abusing my apparent (prescribed) drug abuse, I have tried everything under the sun (and possibly the moon too) for my insomnia to no avail. (PS Im not actually sure what no avail means but its sounds like it fits) So just some foolproof remedies sent through please (I beg you)

Once again, after the You Shook Me All Night Long post (scroll down .....I can't post links remember. Never said I was good at technologly and I'm continually surprised I've managed to even cobble this blogsite together ) anyway, I forgot the random bit of info that you good folk sleep better knowing (dam shame it doesn' work the other way around)

So for your viewing pleasure, todays random tit bit is as follows(who made up that phrase??? A bit of a tit? What is that? I'm certain a man did not pen this phrase, cause a bit of a tit would never be enough for them) With no further adue/adoo/ agdadoo doo doo (again, don't know how to spell that or am even sure of its meaning but I'm struggling today so let me say what I want) it is!!!

1. I love singing Calamity Jane songs. This will come as no surprise to those that (a) know me, and (b) have seen me drunk (please note (c) I've also just realised everyone who DOES know me HAS seen me drunk. This fact amuses me when it probably shouldn't).
Should you ever wish to hear / see my rendition of 'Whip -Crack Away' or 'Once I had a Secret Love', feel free to ask. The following performance may vary in fabulousness (thats a word, don't argue with me) depending how much wine I have consumed, but I assure you I will give it my all. It's all about projection folks.........and trust me, if nothing else I'm bloody loud.

PPS I can also quote a lot of the movie when I'm drunk, (actually even when I'm sober if asked nicely) and if you ever come across me at the pub and I'm slamming my hand down on the bar saying "make mine a sasparilla!" don't be alarmed. Just buy me a drink and nobody gets hurt.

And now.............I'm off to sleep.

See you.......say, Thursday.

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