Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Winge for the Day

I'd like to have a winge today about Delta. You know "the new look Delta". Maybe it's just me but am I the only one not actually seeing the 'new sexy look'.
Long hair she swishes a lot........check
perky smile.......chec
sensible clothing.........check

Apart from a new fetish for wearing black nail polish, I just don't see this 'sexed up Delta' everyone is talking about. In sufference, I made myself watch the video recently to be sure I wasn't missing out. I believe I saw a flash of bare shoulder, and a little shimmy of said shoulder at one stage, but this was as raunchy as she got.

Pretty, very,. Won't argue you that one. Even go so far to say I wouldn't complain if I woke up one day magically looking like her..........but she is about as sexy as the CWA ladies in their aprons. (For the record, I think the CWA is a fanstastic insitution, and I visit the stand for the scones every year at the Easter Show ........I'm just not sure if in your sensible baking gear anyone conveys raunch and sexiness and the CWA ladies were the first thing to pop into my mind as I typed. Unless of course your other half is lucky enough to come home to find you with nothing but the oven on..........naked baking, even with an apron, is an entirely different situation and falls well within a sexy look. Men love naked and men love food. Its a sure fire winning combination)

From what I can gather, the only change in Deltas new sexed up look is................................again I'm coming up with nothing here but the black nailpolish. As she now in her twenties I personally find her a bit old for that too by the way. Maybe someone that pretty just cant get sexy. Maybe she is destined to look, act, speak and sing prettily but blandly for the rest of her career.

They can call it the new sexy raunchy Delta all they want, I'm just not buying it.

(Or maybe I'm just a jealous cow)

1 comment:

JH said...

I heard someone today speculating that Delta has 'had work done'. At the ripe old age of what...24? My opinion...I think she looks more like Britney Spears than Britney Spears does.