Monday, November 26, 2007

Just Call Me Slacker

Due to what can only be described as me being a slackarse because of a variety of reasons (we will mainly blame a virus last week and of, which continues to rudely interrupt my social schedule) I just haven't had a chance to entertain you all with snippets of my rivetting (cough / splutter / embaressed snigger) life.

To bring you briefly up to speed, there was me having the shits last thursday for a couple of days (literally folks... the toilet and I became best friends during this time, and Glen 20 shares probably raised dramatically), then a flurry of activity over the weekend involving work (again, sadly interrupting my social shedule) a lunch date, a talent quest, an election watch, a BBQ and a drink / supper date (come to think of it I didn't actually get to the supper part Sunday night, having a quick drink was the only energy I could sum up).

During this time I also had to cope with mourning over the loss of Johnny, and somehow squeeze in writing a letter to Channel Nine (who are in my bad books anyway following the great axing of Fanny Farm/McLeods Daughters - but we'll moan about that later) about their use of an exclamation mark in their 'Kevin Rudd Wins Election!' banner they had across the top of the screen throughout their coverage (you can read about it here also I can't begin to tell you how much it annoyed me that exclamation mark. Actually I could, but I won't bore you like I possibly did the household I was in Saturday night. (no, I must say something, I just didn't think an exclamation mark was required, it was too "take that Johnny" for my liking). Anyway, so Johnny (who made me teary during his speech, but as a friend pointed out to me yesterday when I told her this, I also cry during Sex and The City - thus prooving I'm can tear up at things I really shoudn't) so Johnny is out and Kev is in. Big Kev exciting for his fans, but I'm still coming to grips with it all I'm afraid.

I also need to give a shout out to "the brilliant minded co-worker" I mentioned here as she is currently at home sick (which is making work quite unbearable as I have no one to snigger at our other co-workers with)

I also need to shout out (aren't I the noisy one today.....all this yelling) a belated happy birthday to my friend whose BBQ I attended on Sunday not knowing it was indeed a birthday BBQ. Knowing Pearla though (not her real name, must protect identities) I just assumed we were BBQ-ing to celebrate the fact it was Sunday. (she generally doesn't need an excuse to have people over to drink, often the fact its Sunday is more than enough for her)

Anyway, luckily no one seemed shocked I had forgotten (i'm well known for only knowing my own birth date, and maybe Jesus Christ's... everyones else eludes me) I was slightly embaressed upon logging on to facebook on returning home though, to discover I had actually RSVP'd to something called a 'birthday BBQ' a while ago and had forgotten all about it. (I didn't just manage to forget her birthday, I also clean forgot about the BBQ I had RSVP'd to as well till I spoke to her Sunday morning about 'unrelated matters'. More on that later)

And now I have to run............... I shall return later on today (nothing like building the suspense) to catch up on the 'random bits of dumbass info' about me for you all.

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