Hope you ate lamb on the BBQ, proudly waved the flag and enjoyed a beer in the sun. Most of all, I hope you enjoyed your Australia Day more than I did, which ended in a trip to RPA (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital for the non Sydney dwellers) for a seven hour stint and a drink spiking incident. (the low lives who did it are definitely UN-AUSTRALIAN in my book)
For once though, I’m not only lost for words, but I have no wish to share that section of the evening. So I’ll focus on the good bits for you instead!
The Weather: I love summer, I love the sun, and I loved the fact it was hot for aussie day and shorts and thongs were more than ample coverage to keep everyone warm, even well into the evening. (times like that I realize why I could never live in any country where thongs are not standard and acceptable footwear)
The View: For the very first time I spent the day in Sydney near the harbour. Now this news may startle some amongst you, but what can I say...as one of this great countries biggest country music fans I only ever spend Australia Day in Tamworth (which for the uninitiated is part of the Country Music Festival – laugh all you want by the way. You develop thick sing as a country fan...And no Kasey Chambers doesn’t sound like a cat with its tail being stepped on! Well maybe she does, but her lyrics make up for it okay?)
Due to circumstances beyond my control however (allright, I just can’t budget properly) I had to remain fairly local. Sydney was the choice to watch the tall ships and view the fireworks. The Harbour put on a show and look superb, and the Opera House (which, just to be different I actually usually find just a big, weird, funny looking white building) looked picture perfect in the sunshine.
The Company: An assorted group of friends and acquaintances, including the much loved Pearla, a fellow co-hort in most of my shenanigans and soon to be departing the shores (you can read about her here http://lifesnotalwaysbeautiful.blogspot.com/2007/12/one-about-pearla.html ) Pearla is a fellow fan of Australia Day and all things aussie, and is still coming to terms with the fact she will be OS when Anzac day arrives this year. (like the good friend I am, I have promised to contact her – because everyone knows her mobile phone is going to work in the wilds of Indonesia – on the great day itself to update her on the rum intake and the state of play of two up this year)
So that was Australia Day. I felt proud to be Australian and felt full of love for the aussies in it, especially when I met a group of Scottish ( or were they Irish? They had an accent of some sort anyway) travellers who had arrived six months ago and promptly fallen in love with Australia and her inhabitants. The lifestyle, the weather, the outdoor music events, the aussies, the beaches and scenery…..and they hadn’t even made it out of NSW yet!
And then of course, there was sadly the rest of the night...which we won’t even discuss.
I know, surprised aren’t you? I’m usually happy to share but maybe it’s all just a bit too painful yet, and besides of which the story isn’t mine alone.
Speaking of words (we weren’t but I’m running this show!) I read this afternoon that we speak approx 8000 words a day, up to 56 000 a week and around 3 BILLION words a year. Just a bit of useless trivia for you, I discovered this as I was reading a book for work
I can’t believe actually they have given me something which is encouraging me to talk even more either – as the chapter itself was all about making our 8000 words count. I skipped the rest of the chapter though, as I don’t need a book to point out that I’m probably double the average and say around 12,000 a day, most of it meaningless dribble no good to anyone. (I’m still deciding what possessed them to arm me with this information).
Anyway, so there I am reading my book for work, whilst waiting for the exit mould in the bathroom to do its stuff.
Did you get that?
Reading for work, waiting for the exit mould to set.
All on a public holiday, when by rights I should be at a BBQ quaffing a chardy in the sun and generally making a mess of myself...not having a cleaning frenzy. If the majority of this blog hadn’t already led you to believe I possibly need my head read, the sentence above ought to confirm it for you.
Its bloody Un-Australian is what it is!!!!
So I’ve stopped now, and decided a brief blog entry was in order, (Okay I fib, I did attend to the exit mould in the interim and the bathroom is looking every bit as sparkling as the Opera House did on Saturday now)
Having nothing to say for once though my eyes ventured back to the book and to the communication chapter (cause clearly, I’m crap at it) and I started reading about ‘thinking before you speak’.
Okay, so I skipped that chapter too…….
(I’m really ripping through this workbook, my boss is going to be wrapped with me)
Next up came a few paragraphs about speaking slower than usual to get your point across.
At this point I threw the book across the room. Useless tripe.
I’m in sales, I have boobs to get my point across. (just joking esteemed colleagues)
Anyway, thats all of the estimated 8000 words a day you are getting from me for the moment, as I'm off to read the section on “treat everyone with the same courtesy” (clearly this author hasn’t met some of the people we work with on a day to day basis).
I’d love to leave you with the lyrics to a land downunder to celebrate this Australia Day entry, but they make no sense to me at all and I only really remember that someone gets a vegemite sandwich.
So I’ll leave you with some words from our new Australian Of The Year – Lee Kernaghan.
Did you get that?
Reading for work, waiting for the exit mould to set.
All on a public holiday, when by rights I should be at a BBQ quaffing a chardy in the sun and generally making a mess of myself...not having a cleaning frenzy. If the majority of this blog hadn’t already led you to believe I possibly need my head read, the sentence above ought to confirm it for you.
Its bloody Un-Australian is what it is!!!!
So I’ve stopped now, and decided a brief blog entry was in order, (Okay I fib, I did attend to the exit mould in the interim and the bathroom is looking every bit as sparkling as the Opera House did on Saturday now)
Having nothing to say for once though my eyes ventured back to the book and to the communication chapter (cause clearly, I’m crap at it) and I started reading about ‘thinking before you speak’.
Okay, so I skipped that chapter too…….
(I’m really ripping through this workbook, my boss is going to be wrapped with me)
Next up came a few paragraphs about speaking slower than usual to get your point across.
At this point I threw the book across the room. Useless tripe.
I’m in sales, I have boobs to get my point across. (just joking esteemed colleagues)
Anyway, thats all of the estimated 8000 words a day you are getting from me for the moment, as I'm off to read the section on “treat everyone with the same courtesy” (clearly this author hasn’t met some of the people we work with on a day to day basis).
I’d love to leave you with the lyrics to a land downunder to celebrate this Australia Day entry, but they make no sense to me at all and I only really remember that someone gets a vegemite sandwich.
So I’ll leave you with some words from our new Australian Of The Year – Lee Kernaghan.
Its a song about a song.. the song that most people refer to as our unoffical anthem - Waltzing Matilda.
I tumbled into life, out on the western line.
A simple gathering of melody and rhyme
Written down and tweaked a bit, ink pen on manuscript
Little town, little song, looking for somewhere to belong
Sat in a bureau draw, pulled out and then performed
Sat in a bureau draw, pulled out and then performed
For a governor and mayor
A law clerk scratched me down, next morning we left town
He was humming as we rode and I wondered where we’d go
On and on round and round, far and wide am I bound
On and on round and round, far and wide am I bound
I’m a gift, I’m a drifter always wandering free
On and on like the wind, I am home, I am friend
And you’ll always be as close as a whisper to me
Some shearers heading south; sang me to Jackie Howe
Some shearers heading south; sang me to Jackie Howe
First time he ever shore a hundred in a day
I rode the silver rails, I crossed the mountain trails
They’d sing my song from the Cape to Moreton Bay
And then send me on my way
As Private Monroe gently sang, I floated over no man’s land
As Private Monroe gently sang, I floated over no man’s land
I’ve seen the tears of countless lonely sons
I’ve crossed the raging seas,
Wound up in symphonies,
Was there in victories,
Been sung on bended knees...
Im just some notes and verse
Nothing more and nothing less
You’ll find me at the stock camp as they’re passing out the rum
Out near where I’m from
On and on round and round, far and wide am I bound
I’m a gift, I’m a drifter always wandering free
On and on like the wind, I am home I am friend
And you’ll always be as close as a whisper to me
On and on with this swag and an old tucker bag....
On and on with this swag and an old tucker bag....
Singing who’ll come a Waltzing Matilda with me
1 comment:
My lamb chops lasted three days. I hope I did Sam proud.
btw, 8000 words a day is approx three million, not billion.... sorry for being a pedant!
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